" We have the invaluable opportunity - through our experience in bird ringing - to save species, ecosystems and, above all, the perception of the people who live there. Let's put the flight of a bird in their hands. "
Guillem Chacon
Instructor of instructors in Birdringing/banding in the Tropics Scheme
Guillem Chacon, named honorary member of the Italian Adriatic birdringers.
Le premier camp de baguage d’Oiseaux en Côte d’Ivoire
What if we are going to help birds and countries where ringing has rarely or never (!) been done?
Et si nous aidions les oiseaux et les pays où le baguage est rarement ou jamais (!) pratiqué?
¿Que tal si vamos a ayudar a las aves y países donde muy pocas veces o nunca (!) se ha anillado?
Que et sembla si ajudem les aus i països on molt poques vegades o mai (!) s’ha anellat?